Joint construction of the school garden model with the participation of parents and teachers. The aim is to create a mysterious garden full of playing corners. The school yard, will  also include space for schooling. In the courtyard, there is a small gazebo to be reconstructed, which covers a well.

Model Creation

It is important to involve as many future users as possible in the design creation. In this case these users involved teachers and parents.

Based on the consideration of what could be in the yard, we began to create a model of the garden. The method of joint work allows bringing not only the strengths of thinking, but also the strengths of feelings and will into the design process.

Every participating person brings liveliness and joy into the process of creating the model. Working with plasticine during the modelling creates the atmosphere of joy and creativity. It helps to feel the context and build on the work of others. This is how mutual agreement on the formation of the garden is created. All participants are able to mentally connect with the emerging proposal in a better way.

From the Construction